1. The first step is to locate the offending foreign object in your tire.
2. Remove the Object
3. Put 2-3 drops of the rubber cement on the tip of the reamer and insert the reamer into the puncture. Work the reamer in and out while twisting to clean and prep the puncture and apply the cement. This process will also enlarge the hole to that the plug will fit through; because of this the first couple of insertions can be difficult. Repeat this process 2-3 times to make sure the puncture is clean and that there is enough cement in the wound.
4. Take each end of the repair string(about 70mm long), this is the plug, and roll the center of the string into the needle eye. Apply 2-3 drops of rubber cement to the end of the needle and
Push the needle and repair string into the puncture (this can be tricky with smaller punctures) until only about a quarter-inch of the strip is sticking out of the tire's surface.
Push the needle and repair string into the puncture (this can be tricky with smaller punctures) until only about a quarter-inch of the strip is sticking out of the tire's surface.
5. Make a 1/4 turn with the handle and pull the needle probe out of the tire. The patch should remain in the tire when you remove the probe.Trim the repair strip that is sticking out of the tire down to about 1/8 of an inch.
6.Use an air compressor to replace any air that may have leaked out of the tire. Your tire should be re-inflated and ready to get back onto the road.