It is the Obstetrics and Gynecology treatment products, based on low frequency electric therapy theory and actual situation of low frequency pulse current treatment, set up several treatment according to the most optimal manner, controlled automatically by computer chip, stimulate the specific position of the human body by the special treatment of low-frequency,produce physical effect effect on specific parts of the body, and adjust the human body environment, to clear the breast tubes, promote milk secretion. accelerate the recovery of the uterus, promote postpartum urination, reduce postpartum pain,accelerate healing.and so on.
External form:Trolley type
External Size: 440*490*900 mm
Display: LED
Output channels: 4
Electrodes: 40*80mm (for breasts) 20 pieces
¢100 2 pieces
¢8( for ear ) 2pieces
1 lactation lack at Post partum
2. The recovery of the uterus
3.Chronic pelvic inflammation and vaginal relaxation
4.Retention of urine