HRCZB Type Power Transformer Switching Wave Test Generator
The device is 500kV with a capacity of 360MVA. All the varied power transformers for insulating and electrical strength checkout equipments have the advanced national level and have won the second prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress in Hubei province. This product is equipped with the package unit including the storage oscilloscope, the condenser divider and the injury resistance. It has the advantages of operational flexibility, low-need electric capacity, minute extension and light in weight. It has the on-the-job dependability and performance.
Input: AC200V(50Hz)
Output voltage: 0-100kV Peak value (Various kinds of specification)
Main capacitor :1.2-2.5μF
Efficiency: 50%-80%
Waveform: ≥100×200(90)×1000(0)μS
Flaw detection sensitivity: It can detect the flaw of the metal short circuit and the nonmetal insulation among the high and low tension coil.