The WKM Gate Valve is generally used for oil and gas wellhead & X-mas tree, Testing manifolds and station pipeline, suitable for sour and non-sour work environment.
1. Expanding wedge gate design, non-rising Stem and metal-to-metal sealing.
2. Trims available for all types of oilfield service.
3. Continuous full bore /thru conduit flow at sealing surfaces minimizes pressure drop and eliminates turbulence.
4. Valve body cavity is filled with grease to allow easier operation, corrosion resistance and longer life. Two safety-capped grease fittings are provided on the body so that grease may be added at any time.
5. Bolted bonnet for easy change out of internal parts.
6. Confirms to API 6A and NACE MR0175-2015
Valve Size: 2 1/16"~5 1/8".
Valve Pressure: 2000PSI~15000PSI.
Temp Range: K,L,N,P,S,T,U,V,X,Y.
Material Class: AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF,HH. 1.5, NL.
Valve Class: PSL1~PSL3G.
Valve Performance Class: PR1