1- Philips Crypto:copy 40(some until 2002), 41, 42, 44 (VAG UNLOCK),45, Texas Crypto:4D crypto(60,61,62,63,64,65,67) transponder, with 3 different cloning options.With internet, stand alone, with JMA TPX cloner module. 2- Texas Fixed:Copy 4C transponders on to JMA 4C batteryless TPX1 glass transponders and special glass batteryless cheap Z4C transponders.3- Untill now 55 eeprom(will be 68 very soon) applications in order to calculate pin codesand transponders which can directly start the car,for example; fiatcode2, volvo, bmw(EWS1,EWS2,EWS3), mercedes,mitsubishi, renault, peugeot,fiat system1, honda and many many more4-Finding pin code from customer key for 45 peugeot and 33 renault, 60 Renault and 64 Renault.5-Reading mileage, vin number, key number from original BMW key and writing onto original remote key for EWS1,EWS2,EWS3 systems.6- Upgradable via USB connection7- Save all crypto and fixed transponder datas on PC software in order to re-use them in future8- Availability to produce your own transponders from original blanktransponders, 40, 41, 42, 44 VAG, 44 Mitsubishi, 45, 46 Renault,Chrysler, chevrolet, mitsubishi, bmw, peugeot, citroen, hyundai, 61,62, 65, 73 transponders by using PCF7935, PCF7936, Texas 60 carbontransponders which you can use directly with diagnostic tools.9- We are going to add many more eeprom applications on the device.10-VAG pin code application and Key programming including K-Line and Can systems viaOBD 11-Renault-Dacia Key and Remote programming without need of pin code, via OBD.12-Toyota key programming via OBD for cars using 4D and smart keys.13-Opel, Daewoo-Chevrolet remote and key programming via OBD without need of pin code is coming very soon.For more details visit our web page
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Zed Bull transponder Key Programmer Device
Zed Bull transponder Key Programmer Device
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