Get angry but no place to ventyour anger? Feel sad but no means to comfort? With this magic funny durableplastic bulb, such problems can be solved. This funny bulb is made of specialmaterial and it is soft and durable. You can throw this funny bulb heavily ontothe ground or you can also pinch it with your full strength when you aredepressed or in bad mood. This funny plastic bulb will stick on the surface whendropped down and after a moment it will automatically reinstate. These funnylight bulbs are very amazing and interesting. You will never worry about thatthis funny bulb will crack. Have a try? Just click the "add to cart" button andyou'll have the funny light bulb!
- Ready to pinch in shorttime
- Please throw this funnyplastic bulb on the smooth surface
- This funny bulb is made ofspecial material and it is soft and durable
- You will never worry aboutthat this funny bulb will crack
- There are energy-saving whiteplastic bulb and transparent plastic bulb distributed. The color is random indelivery
- This funny bulb will stick onthe surface when dropped down and after a moment it will automaticallyreinstate
- Material:Plastic
- Size:Approx.7 x 4.5cm/2.8 x 1.8in(L xDia.)
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