601040 Laser instrument is completely portable, as a noninvasive contact medical device, very easy to operate and provides reliable and effective treatment options to the clinician and patient. It is a Diode Laser wavelength of 650nm . And its laser output by fiber .It is also a kind of photochemical action in laser irradiating and beam needle. It has the advantage of no pain, no infect, no forbidden acupuncture point and convenience. Specially suitable for acupuncture feel dizzy, fear of pain, and the elderly and children.
Adaptive symptom:
Acceleration of wound healing and laser acupuncture Sciatica and LBP. Shoulder contusions, frozen shoulder. Calcium deposits e.g. hyperalgic calcareous tendonitis . TMJ problems. Oedema reduction. Keloid scar tissue. Decubiti. Muscle Overuse syndrome. Dupuytrens contractures/Carpal Tunnel syndrome. Strains, sprains, Herpes, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, Epicondylitis. Post dental pain etc. Being a lower energy output laser it requires a little more treatment time. Treatment time is related to energy output
Output power | >100 mW |
Wavelength | 650nm |
Timed | 0-99m |
Dimension (mm) | 260×210×80 |
Electrical input | AC 110-240V |
Warranty | 1 years |
(MDL50 output power > 50mW |