Inquiry about cocktail shaker
Type: Buying Lead
Date Posted: 2011-07-10
Valid to: Never Expired
Country: South Africa
Description: Dear Sir/Madam, I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to enable us proceed with order placement. Thanks, Management
Contact Details

Mr. Kopano A.
Prujez Resources inc
Tel: 27-7322-17644
Address: South Africa
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    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
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  • Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
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  • Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
    South Africa
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
    South Africa
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
    South Africa
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am interested in your product, Kindly get back to me. I await your response with quotation and specifications immediately to...
    South Africa
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