Inquiry about linear actuator
Type: Buying Lead
Date Posted: 2011-08-04
Valid to: Never Expired
Country: Belgium
Description: Hi Mr. Wu, I'm desinging a photobooth with biometrical unit. This will be used to make pasports at the gouvernement. I need a height adjustment of 1.000 mm (weight 200 N). Your JC35L seems to be a good solution. (Speed of 50 mm/s is just Ok). I will need 700 units in total. can you make me your best price for this amount ? I also need to make to prototypes by the end of august. Is it possible to get 2 units in demo as soon as possible ? One more question : What is the estimated lifetime ? How many mouvements before the unit is end of life
Contact Details

Mr. Geert Schoensetters
Zetes Industries
Fax: 32--3551536
Address: Belgium
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