Inquiry about ultrasonic sealing machine
Type: Buying Lead
Date Posted: 2011-10-27
Valid to: Never Expired
Country: China (Mainland)
Description: drazanbunic: Hi, I'am really looking to buy the lace machine. I would like to know following before I buy: 1) Which model would you recommend to me if I need to do this: I need to make pattern as seen on image I have uploaded. The material is sateen (from polyester). Is it possible to do this with one of your machines? 2) What types of patterns you can make? 3) The machine should be able to do 20 cm wide patterns. Do you have such models? 4) What materials you can use? 5) What materials you cannot use? 6) What would be the prices for those models with shipping? Thank you very much. Drazan
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Mr. drazan
bb laktasi
Address: China (Mainland)
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