LY -A1500 Amalgamator, which controlled by a microprocessor to ensure a precise, controlled, consistent mix. With wide oscillating range (adjust any Speed as your desire from 2800 rpm to 4700rpm; time from3S to 60S), it is suitable for all the capsule and glass ionomer sold in the market. For safe operation, the motor will stop, when the mask is open. It can satisfy different customers' requirements.
The machine has TÜV ISO13485\CE Certificate for suit EU standards.
1. With digital LCD showing speed and time.
2. Adjust Time and Speed freely.
(Time from 3S~60S, Speed from 2800rpm~4700rpm)
3. Time setting with memory function.
4. Security Guard design, motor will stop when the mask is open.
5. Ergonomic design, which looks like a beetle car.
6. It's revolve according to"8"model.
7. Noiseless, very stable operation.
8. Electrical safety standard met.
9. Three colors for choose.
10. Easy maintenance.
1. With digital LCD showing speed and time.
2. Adjust Time and Speed freely.
(Time from 3S~60S, Speed from 2800rpm~4700rpm)
3. Time setting with memory function.
4. Security Guard design, motor will stop when the mask is open.
5. Ergonomic design, which looks like a beetle car.
6. It's revolve according to"8"model.
7. Noiseless, very stable operation.
8. Electrical safety standard met.
9. Three colors for choose.
10. Easy maintenance.