Convert 3D data into (.stl) file format. Using the SLA 3D software program, place Virtual Objectson the Virtual Part Tray. Using the SLA 3D software program, select layering and design Part Support Structures. The computer controlsthe Ultraviolet Laser drawing the part design according to the 3D data sectioned information ofeach layer onto the Photopolymer Resin point by point. The Photopolymer Resinreacts to the UV Laser, curing and forming a thin solidified layer. After the solidification of one layer, the Part Traywill lower 0.1 to 0.15 mmand will wipe off the residual resin to allow another layer of Photopolymer Resin to be drawn and solidified. Each new layer solidifies to the previous solidified layer.This layer by layer process will repeatuntilthe entire piece is complete. |
sla rapid prototyping services SLA Rapid Prototyping
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