Technical Data :
1. Charging box size(L×W) 5900 × 1100 mm
2. Max feeding size 600 mm
3. The speed of eccentric axle 750 r/min
4. Feeding capacity 250-450t/h
5. Electric motor Model Y180L-4
Power 22 kW
Speed 1480r/min
6. The dip angle between the surface
of the charging box and the horizontal 0°
7. Overall sizes(L×W×H) 6000×1828×1065mm
8. Weight(excluding Motor) 5780 kg
Installation, Trial and Test-running
The machine is assembled by the factory and it has passed no-load trial. The users should closely examine the machine after getting the goods in case of unexpected damages to the machine during the transportation. The users should pay attention to the following points when installing, adjusting and test-running the machine:
1. Because of the high vibration force, the users are suggested to settle the machine above concrete foundation. The height, depth and dimension shoulod be separately calculated according to the quality of the soil. We suggest the weight of the foundation should be 1.5 times the weight of the machine. As to the installation size, see the installation drawing. The height of the foundation and the mode of discharging should be decided according to the terrain condition. The height of the foundation of steel structure or of concrete should be adjusted to meet the requirements of the following process.
2.The discharging box and the charging box under the screen are fixing devices attached to the machine. The vertical backlash between the feeder and the box should be 90mm, and the horizontal backlash should be 30mm.
3. Installing the electric motor and supporting frame. The central line in the grooved pulley should make an angle of 45°with the horizontal line in the vibration exciter. The supporting board of the electric motor should make an angle of 15°~20°with the bottom plane. Pay attention to the direction of rotation of the vibrator in the drawing.
4. Clear the anti-rust oil in the vibration exciter and fill in lubricating oil. As to the type of the lubricating oil, see 7.1.1. Besieds, the surface of the oil should be higher than the height of the oil pointer.
5. Starting test running after the installation and adjustment.
The no-load trial should meet the requirements of:
①Running continuously for 2 hours.
②All the fasteners should be firm.
③No scrotch, flying dust, gringding or abnormal noise on the friction points. The vibration should be stable.
Loading trial should not only meet the requirements of no-load trial but also meet the following ones:
①When delivering the material to the feeders, don't let the material impact the vale strongly. Don't feed too less or too much at one time in case of damages to the main frame, supporting spring and the stable vibration.
②The max feeding particles should no larger than that required in the rules.