Hunan Senli Magnet and Electric Technology Co., is specializing in producing BLDC motor for drones , Electric Bike, Pedego bike, E-motorcycle, E board , E go karts .
36V/48V/60V motor have been used in many famous E bike . Light weight and Big torque . . And we provide controller and other parts for USER
HN Senli motors designs strong and low noise BLDC motor for mower , It is with strong cover and bigger bearing 6005, stronger shaft D25mm 6x6mm keyway;
Output shaft D25mm X40mm (long shaft to keep good position) ,High torque and very good overload capacity , 40V 3600RPM 1400W ; 10AWG cable keep big current;
This motor is with cooling fan to keep motor working temperature lower and keep motor stable running.
And Senlimotors provides cheap controller to run this motor .
Hunan Senli Magnet and Electric Technology Co.
Add: Lugu enterprise palza, YueLu District , Changsha,Hunan, China